
Showing posts from March, 2021

What Are the Awesome Features of the’s Social Media App.?

  A few years have passed now with the unstoppable take over of the online world by social media apps. With the advent of technological solutions and mobile devices' extensive use, social media apps have matured into essential instruments, providing professional opportunities and safe places for social interaction, among many other functions. Here, overall, people can connect and experience great moments. Currently, nearly half of the world's population (3.78 billion people) use social medial apps worldwide; this meant a 5% increase compared to the last year. How are they so popular and continue to grow? As technology improves, the sky is the limit since social media apps only imply communication through a web or mobile app, and keep in mind humans communicate for several reasons. Therefore, it's logical to think that different social media apps exist for each one of those purposes. The latter fact contributes significantly to social media apps' success as there would p... ist eine neue All-in-One-Social-App mit einer leistungsstarken Blockchain Rewards-Engine

  Einführung Hallo allerseits, wie geht es dir? Ich heiße Tongsetan. Zuerst möchte ich etwas über die Blockchain-Technologie erklären. Die Blockchain-Technologie wird von vielen Innovatoren und IT-Experten als eine der bedeutendsten technologischen Innovationen der letzten Jahre angesehen. Diese Technologie basiert auf dem Konzept verteilter Hauptbücher, dezentraler Katalogisierung und Berechnungen großer Datenmengen. Andererseits basiert die Idee der digitalen Kryptowährung auf einem vertrauenswürdigen Protokoll, das auf einer Reihe von Regeln basiert, die die Integrität der Daten gewährleisten, die beim verteilten Rechnen über Milliarden von Computern auf der ganzen Welt ausgetauscht werden, ohne dass eine Authentifizierung erforderlich ist von vertrauenswürdigen Dritten bereitgestellt. , wie eine Bank, MasterCard, Visa oder sogar PayPal. Diese revolutionäre Idee hat die Aufmerksamkeit vieler Menschen in der Computerwelt auf sich gezogen und große Turbulenzen in der Finanzwelt ve...

Community Token - Ein kettenübergreifendes kompatibles dezentrales Delta-One-Asset-Protokoll mit unbegrenzter Liquidität.

 Community-Token Community Token Finance (Community Token's) ist ein nicht verwahrendes, kettenübergreifendes kompatibles Delta-One-Asset-Protokoll. Die langfristige DeFi-Vision von Community Token besteht darin, die Inklusivität zu erhöhen und den Zugang zu Anlagevermögen (digital und traditionell) zu demokratisieren. Ein enormer Wert liegt in der Fähigkeit der Anleger, einfach und schnell zu investieren, Gebühren zu sparen und Vermögenswerte zum fairen Marktwert zu sichern. Community Token substanziell kombiniert technische Erfahrung traditioneller globaler Vermögensverwaltungsunternehmen, um eines der ersten DeFi-Projekte auf den Markt zu bringen, das auf Ethereum mit kettenübergreifender Kompatibilität basiert. Mit Community Token können Benutzer Spot- oder Portfolio-Engagements mit einer Reihe innovativer digitaler und Portfolio-Engagements erstellen und verwalten traditionelle Finanzprodukte. Community Token wird durch unser auf Ethereum basierendes Community Token, Token (CM...

Community Token - Decentralized Financial Platform

  Community Token is a unique DeFi platform dedicated to lending, providing crypto assets, betting returns, cryptocurrency trading, assets, decentralized app and automated market maker with fast, intelligent, affordable and profitable financial services. Community token users will be able to optimize their profitability by growing crops and bids to receive CMT tokens, make money and use tokens as a means of payment. Community Token Solution:   1. Safe wallets       To store tokens, you need wallets that are good for lending and storage.   2. Opportunities       The community token provides clients with various financial and cryptocurrency and blockchain   opportunities.  3. Development of     Build DeFi apps, build cryptocurrency trading, promote the use of community tokens to promote and collect payments and transaction wages in the digital world, and encourage the use of CMT tokens. 4. immut...

UnitedCrowd - your financing platform for direct financing

  Cryptocurrencies and their core blockchain technology is being implemented as the next-big-thing after the establishment of the internet. One of the main area where these technologies are having a major impact is business sector. Basically blockchain is a form of distributed ledger technology which has the great prospective to transform major financial and economic institutions and bring it to lower cost, safer and faster execution of transactions, improved intelligibility, auditability of operations, and other benefits. UnitedCrowd P latform   UnitedCrowd іѕ а platform thаt аllоwѕ many businesses tо acquire investors worldwide, attract customers аnd expand thе business community. Thе solution offered bу the platform іѕ а digital financing tool tailored tо business needs. UnitedCrowd wіll assist businesses wіth profound expert knowledge, smooth processes, аnd sophisticated technology. Sо businesses оnlу nееd tо focus оn developing thеіr platform аnd wіll tаkе ...

United crowd: Lets tokenize the world

Introduction As we all know that the advent of blockchain technology has changed the world faster and stronger,  w ith almost every industry in the world implementing the most advanced technology, the financial industry is among them. The emergence of blockchain has connected the financial industry in a more seamless and modern way, on the one hand Cryptocurrency has grown significantly in recent years. These developments make cryptocurrency better and can be applied to more complex financial cases. especially with the UnitedCrowd project going to change the Cryptoqurrency world to be beautiful, this project will bring huge profits to both its users and investors. What Is UnitedCrowd? UnitedCrowd Is a platform to attract investment in new projects, will help you understand this difficult problem. Here you will find ample opportunities to grow your project and attract initial investment for further development. In addition, UnitedCrowd is an official platform registered...